Place stated, "Each military treatment facility has a unique mission, geography, and even history."We know that health care is a local experience, so our goal with this transition is to provide our patients and the health care team with a consistent, high-quality approach no matter where they serve.
DHA took over worldwide administration and management of MTFs, including clinics and hospitals, following the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017. The DHA and military service branches can adapt health care delivery and medical preparedness to the requirements of a strategic location that is becoming increasingly important by establishing the DHAR-IP.
Place elaborated, "We must deliver the best possible outcomes to the patients we serve, and we must maintain a medically ready force and a ready medical force
"We need to help ensure that everyone who wears a uniform is fit and free from any possible treatment risks to create a force that is equipped with needed medical care,". For us to have a ready medical force, we need to provide training, education, and clinical settings for health care professionals so that our medical teams can acquire and maintain the skills they need to serve our armed forces personnel, their families, and those who have served our country in the past.
Heck continued, "The DHAR-IP's purpose is to assist our military service members and their families."
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